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Praised as the most nutrient-rich diet for humans, rawism or raw foodism is a lifestyle many seem to be adopting nowadays. Unprocessed foods and uncooked fruits and vegetables make up 75% of this way of eating, and while this is clearly nutritious, many wonder is it delicious?

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So before you power off your oven for good, ask yourself this question: Should I go raw or nah?

1. You May Lose Weight (As In Too Much Weight)

If you go raw, you will lose weight. However the raw food diet is not intended for weight loss. In fact some people lose too much weight and end up becoming underweight–and just like being overweight, being underweight can increase your risk for certain health problems (read: malnutrition).

2. Your Digestive System Will Be On Point

However your digestive system will appreciate all the raw goodness you’ll be feeding it. This is actually the #1 promise of this diet. Raw foodies promote the idea that raw foods contain natural enzymes and many other nutrients that otherwise break down during cooking. And since these enzymes improve digestion the body will absorb other beneficial nutrients in turn.

3. The Bacteria Can Be Bad

Not heating things up in the kitchen may not be so hot for your health though beauties. Since dehydrating, excessive chopping, and air exposed foods are the norm in this diet the nutrient levels can suffer when exposed to these conditions. So make cleaning your produce super well a priority if you’re going to dine sans heat.

4. Some Foods Like It Hot

Speaking of bringing the heat, cooking makes the nutrients in some foods such as eggs and tomatoes, more bioavailable. Straight up – some foods like it hot. Therefore not heating them properly can lead to the proliferation of foodborne bacteria. This applies especially for the raw eggs, raw fish, and raw chicken that some raw foodists choose to consume. And we all know how dangerous things can be when you don’t heat your meat right?


5. You Better Have Time To (Not) Cook

Last point on not cooking your grub – you think you don’t have time to cook now, if you stop cooking you better have even more time. Maintaining a raw diet is incredibly time consuming and may even eliminate you from some of your favorite events like girls nights out (no alcohol allowed) or coffee/tea time (sorry no caffeine).

6. Heal Your Body From The Inside Out

Looking to ward of diseases or want a pristine immune system to fight off common illnesses? Well some studies do show that some raw foods contain more antioxidants, which help to prevent certain cancers more than cooked versions do. Raw produce is high in vitamin C, vitamin A, and several antioxidants therefore many raw foodies tend to have lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels than other people.

7. Beware Of Broken Bones

Oh boy, here comes osteoporosis. Calcium, vitamin D, and omega-3 fatty acid deficiencies are fairly common with raw food eaters. Couple this with the fact that a decrease in bone mass is common in the beginning stages of any diet and you could be at an ever greater risk for osteoporosis than you can handle sis.

8. Are You Cold Blooded

Speaking of deficiencies, iron isn’t really invited to the raw food diet party either. The form of iron found in plant foods is not as well absorbed as the kind found in animal sources, tofu, legumes, and nuts – so don’t be too quick to diss that “I feel cold all the time” feeling beauties. Women who become too thin on this diet often times suffer from amenorrhea – another major side effect of iron deficiency.

9. Find The Balance

There’s clearly loads of research proving that eating large amounts of fruits and vegetables is highly beneficial – so I say going raw from time to time is cool. But I will always believe that the best diet is a well rounded one. Lightly cooked foods, healthy fats, lean protein, complex carbohydrates, and organic fruits and vegetables sounds like a legit remix to me.

10. Gadgets Are Grand, Get Some

So whether you plan on shutting the oven off forever or just a couple nights a week, be sure to try these fun gadgets for your grub. The fruit and vegetable preparation tools are not only colorful, but easy to use too. So wow your friends (or just yourself) with how pretty your healthy eats will be with tools like the avocado tool, pepper corer or melon baller (these are my faves). Crisp Tools has the best in the industry so go check them out.


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Should I Go Raw Or Nah? 10 Things To Know Before You Stop Cooking Your Food  was originally published on