
IHOP has introduced new burgers to their menu which may seem to be the reason behind the proposed name change to IHOB.  The new steakburgers are made with Black Angus beef and are called the Big IHOP Pancake Burger, Garlic Butter Butter, and the Loaded Philly Burger. The burger getting all the buzz as you […]

According to PopSugar’s Jenny Sugar, there’s one simple thing she started doing every night that helped her tip the scale balance back in the opposite direction. Sugar reveals that she started logging each item she puts in her mouth into a fitness tracker app. Turns out, she was mindlessly overeating. By taking a little time to write […]

New year, new you. Right? Since almost everyone makes the resolution to get in shape starting on January 1st, here are a few free apps for Android and the iPhone that also fit in with your plans to save more money too. Want better abs? Pick up 30-day Ab Challenge, which will slowly tighten you up with […]

Beyonce’s investment portfolio is growing. The singer has recently signed on to a company called ‘WTRMLN WTR’. The brand, co founded by a woman named Jody Levy, is a line of hydrating cold press juices using all the parts of the watermelon, from the rind to the flesh, aiming to give consumers access to affordable […]

  Many of you schedule a workout in your daily routine, but what if I told you there are ways you could actually be wasting your time. This does not mean stop your workout!  All you have to do is pay attention to how you feel and the way you carry yourself before and after […]

  Completing the same workout routines can become extremely boring, but I have an exercise that’s a fitness trend and is sure to spice up your fitness life. Crawling, is the new exciting and engaging movement that will exercise strength, mobility, and stability. When performing crawling, the goal is to coordinate your body’s movements from head […]