
What is date rape? Date rape is when someone you know socially (but not family) makes you have sex when you don’t want to. It could be someone you meet at a party, or someone you love and trust, like your boyfriend. They might use physical and verbal threats, emotional blackmail, or alcohol and drugs […]

Losing a friendship can be both quite painful and stressful. Sometimes it occurs over a serious issue, such as a breach of trust, but often it results from seeming carelessness, such as hurtful words. Though not all wounded friendships can be fixed, these tips can help you repair a broken friendship and keep that important […]

Do you know that the average Thanksgiving dinner has over 2000 calories? It can be a real challenge if you are watching your waistline. The following are some eating tips so that you can still look good and be healthy after the Thanksgiving dinner without having to deprive yourself.

It sounds simple. When we are holding on to something that we don't need - we should probably let go. So why do we find it so difficult?

Researchers have found that one of the most important factors in a person's ability to negotiate condom use with their partners is something known as self efficacy.

Here are some reasons your spouse might lie, signs that you are being lied to, and what you can do about it.

So, how to judge whether your friendship is a long-lasting one or just a blow of selfish wind? There are some sure-shot signs of a friendship...

I found this video on AOL. If you are looking for ways to be HAPPY check this out...

This list of ten things women do that drive men away was compiled from informal interviews with real everyday men. None of these men are “experts” from academia. None of them are sociologists, psychologists, or relationship experts. They’re just regular guys: a computer technician, a personal fitness trainer, a mail courier, a college student, an entrepreneur, a corporate executive, a sanitation worker, a police officer, a mechanic, and an attorney.

So when you ask yourself, what does it take to qualify someone as a soul mate, here are some reminders you can post in your dating Rolodex.

Whether you're divorced with kids, or you're a single mom, dating can be quite challenging.

We tell you how to protect yourself from a stalker: