Thinking of a worthwhile bonding activity with your family? Sing with them. Health Benefits of Karaoke: And here is great news – karaoke singing releases endorphins! Those are the “happy hormones” that make us feel good! In addition, karaoke singing releases stress and tension, and helps exercise the lungs. Check out this clip of the […]

I was watching the local news Sunday morning in Atlanta and I came across a story which I found frustrating and inspirational. The story dealt with children turning to weight loss surgery to lose excessive amounts of weight.  The story mentioned that Georgia is ranked second in the country to Mississippi for child obesity.

One of the world’s most effective and inexpensive exercise devices is the fun and basic jump rope. It costs less than $15, fits in your purse or briefcase and is so easy, a kid can use it.

Hello Elev8, I put together another circuit program. This program is a total body circuit with an emphasis on the butt, abs and hamstrings. Butt and abs seem to be the most popular body parts people want to work on. I also notice readers want something short and to the point.This circuit last about 5 […]

Years after I had given birth to my fourth child, people would say to me, “You look good for having had four children.” They would mean it as a compliment. But to my hears it always stung just a little. It was as though they were saying you are overweight and flabby, but that’s to […]

The First Lady Michelle Obama recently called into our partners at the Tom Joyner morning show and spoke to the crew about the critical importance of the upcoming mid-term elections and the First Lady’s intuitive on health, fitness and nutrition.

High blood pressure, also known as hypertension, is a very serious condition that affects the blood flow to and from the main arteries from the heart. According to the American Heart Association, one in three adults in the United States has high blood pressure, the rate is higher in African Americans. People who suffer from […]

With her upcoming nuptials to long-time boyfriend T.I., Tiny is praying that her dad can walk her down the aisle.

Sources are saying not only is Whitney Houston back on drugs but she’s spending up to $300K a year to keep up her habit.

Is it true that we can eat, drink and be beautiful?

From Hip Hop Wired: A woman with the largest breasts in the world is fighting for her life after doctors say her size 38FFF implants are infecting her body with a deadly disease.