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With Americans continuing to get bigger and bigger, we need all the help we can get to stay healthy—so the Daily Beast offers a warning on 15 things that might cause you to pack on the pounds:

  • Holiday season: With all the food, stress, and booze associated with Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s, the holidays account for 51% of all weight gained during the year.
  • Quitting smoking: Men are especially at risk here, with an 8% chance of adding more than 28 pounds after giving up tobacco. Women get off easier, with just a 6% chance.
  • Good relationships: Happy couples tend to eat out a lot, eat chocolate, lounge around in bed, and do other activities conducive to gaining weight.
  • Getting married: For women, there’s a 48% chance that getting hitched will lead to a major weight gain. (On the other hand, women who just move in with their significant other without getting married gain only one-fifth as much weight.)
  • Getting divorced: OK, so apparently all aspects of relationships cause weight gain. Women have a 22% chance of putting on pounds after a divorce, and it’s even higher for men. to see the complete list.