Recently, I opened a fortune cookie after eating Chinese food and was oddly confused by the quote that was inside. It read as follows: “It is much easier to be critical than to be correct.” Reading it at the time, I had to look at it a few times before I could have an inkling […]

This week’s actions of  Whitney Houston’s daughter is a cry for wisdom.Wisdom is the one thing we all strive to have. It is often referred to as a blessing that comes with age. Each day we should strive to be wise. When we look at the actions of young people such as Whitney Houston’s daughter […]

November 14th 2010, saw me “lined up” along with nearly 30,000 other people at 7:00 AM in 40 degree weather awaiting the sound of a gunshot. Participating in the San Antonio Rock N’ Roll Marathon & A Half was one of the most uniquely, inspiring, life-changing events I have survived to date. Walking 13.1 miles […]

I was watching the local news Sunday morning in Atlanta and I came across a story which I found frustrating and inspirational. The story dealt with children turning to weight loss surgery to lose excessive amounts of weight.  The story mentioned that Georgia is ranked second in the country to Mississippi for child obesity.

The Denzel Principle is a humorous look at the age old complaint of the inability for African American women to find a “good man”.