Here we go again! Why can’t the paps just leave Mr. West alone?! They know that he doesn’t like them and is going to spaz out! I’m with Kanye on this one! Why you at my crib at 4am!?!?

Courtesy of TMZ Rapper The Game has spoken out on Wildwood NJ’s ban on saggy pants after they passed a law that prohibits anyone on the…

The super 16 year old Olympic champion gymnast is officially being recruited by one of the most prestigious black intuitions of higher learning.Spelman College! TMZ is reporting that Spelman, an all-girl college in Georgia wants Gabby in a bad way. In fact, the President of Spelman, Beverly Daniel Tatum, went out to London & made […]

According to the ladies, Uncle L was eating at a table next to them, & they hit it off almost immediately, even posing for a photo with the rapper inside. But LL decided to take his awesomeness a step further because when the ladies finally asked their server for the check, they discovered LL had […]

Sources connected with the couple tell TMZ that Usher met with his lawyers earlier this week & instructed them to craft a new proposal that would give Tameka “a majority” of custody of the children they share.Usher is also raising his child support offer “significantly.”

According to TMZ, Dr. Conrad Murray is pleading with a judge to spring him from L.A. County Jail because it’s taking an extreme physical toll on his body & if he doesn’t get help soon, Murray believes he’ll DIE behind bars. Murray’s asking to be sent to PRISON, where he believes he’ll get better care. […]

According to MTV, The Mary J. Blige & Steve Stoute Foundation for the Advancement of Women Now, a charity organization run by the iconic songstress & well-respected entrepreneur, is under fire after missing loan payments, failing to pay royalties and neglecting to file taxes. According to TMZ, the charity took a $250,000 loan to cover expenses with […]

According To TMZ, Will Smith slapped a Ukrainian reporter across the face at theMoscow premiere of “Men in Black 3” & it was all caught on tape. The Ukrainian reporter tries to kiss Will on the lips on the red carpet and the actor angrily pushes him away and then backhands him across the face. […]