President Rodrigo Duterte later apologized for disrespecting "the most powerful president of any country on the planet."


President Barack Obama visited the state of Louisiana on Tuesday to survey the unprecedented flood damage after much criticism from local and national authorities for not ending his vacation early.

In his last summer in office, POTUS is clearly trying to seduce America. And we're here for all of it.


Gymnast Gabby Douglas is facing a major setback at the 2016 Rio Olympics. According to reports, Douglas won’t be advancing to the all-around finals. Even though Douglas finished with the third highest score in the Olympic qualifiers on Sunday, only two people per country can compete in the all-around finals, preventing her from defending her […]


Jones, who stars on SNL, took to Twitter this weekend to share her excitement for Team USA.

Plus, Melania Trump may have lied about her visa status in the '90s and President Obama announces largest set of clemency grants in over a century.

  The Big Chief turns 55 today! The Tom Joyner Morning Show celebrates the first African-American President of the United States with a memorable tribute that will sure to make you smile!   Like on Facebook. Follow us on Twitter. (Photo Source: PR Photos)

POTUS delivered a powerful and convincing speech on why Donald Trump cannot be elected and why Hillary Clinton should be the next President of the United States.


Bremer Trust, the administrator of his estate, filed court documents in Carver County, Minnesota, claiming that 13 people have failed to establish a close connection to Prince.

Entertainment News, Homepage Lead

Almost a week after the tragic events that took place in Dallas and claimed the lives of five police officers, a memorial service was held today to formally lay them rest and attended by President Obama. The President gave a moving speech about the fallen officers and also the state of violence and guns in […]

President Barack Obama will do what he’s done so many times as president, he will speak with and to families who have lost loved ones to senseless violence. He will speak to a confused, angry, grieving and divided nation. This time he will combine two tightropes that he usually walks separately – race and gun […]