Hanging with your bestie could prolong your life. According to a study from the University of Oxford, hanging out with your best friends twice a week can help your physical, mental and emotional health. According to the study, women deal with stress better when around their friends due to Oxytocin which is the “love hormone” […]

Actor Michael Jace has finally reached the end of his trial and received his prison sentence on Friday.

This is one of those topics that has always made sense to me: put off what you could do today for tomorrow. What harm could…

"I'm a realist" is the phrase I hear a lot of people say when giving reason to rejecting optimism. However, being optimistic can pay off when you're in a bad mood and are trying to think the best of the situation.

What can you really say when your aunt tells you you’ve gained some weight when you arrive home for the holidays? This was me two…

Once in a while, there are certain days that stick out as being especially trying. Today happens to suit that description, as this morning, walking through the crowds and the moving-sidewalk mentality of a big city was not working for me. When you feel like even the cashier is impatient as you pull coins out […]

Lately, I have been becoming bored with the regular routine. While most of the time it’s nice to repeat the same actions day in and day out, as it creates a pattern and comfort, there are times when these consistencies become monotonous. For the past two years, I have ordered the same flavored latte from […]