It seems like no one else is putting Hillary in check about how she should be talking about black issues with respect, so I'll gladly do the honors.

“Race remains a deep fault line in America.  Millions of people of color still experience racism in their everyday lives.”  – Hillary Clinton  Hillary Clinton…

This month has marked the addition of three candidates to the long list presidential hopefuls. Rick Santorum confirmed political whispers last Wednesday (May 27), when he…


Songstress Beyoncé has never shied away from showing political support. She even teamed up with First Lady Michelle Obama on her initiative to overcome obesity…

Who run the world? Beyonce Girls! There’s no question who the queen Bey will be voting for in the forthcoming presidential election. Yesterday, Mrs. Carter…

Bill Clinton thinks it’s time for some of his old policies to get a makeover and that his wife is just the woman for the…


Borrowing a page from President Barack Obama’s election playbook, Hillary Clinton pledged Tuesday to support sweeping immigration reform, reports The Huffington Post. Obama, who scored…

Everyone who has a common interest in Mother Earth is aware of Earth Day and more than likely hip to the strained relationship between politics and…


After months of delays and bitter recriminations, the Senate on Tuesday ended a stalemate over a bill to help victims of sex trafficking, paving the…


For years, the nation’s wobbly economy has been the Achilles’ heel of the Obama administration, drawing fire from the right and left about the president’s…

President Barack Obama was endorsing Hillary Clinton’s latest run for the White House before she ever officially launched her campaign. It was no huge surprise…

  Is anybody surprised? HIllary Clinton on Sunday announced that she’s running for President. After running a close second to President Barack Obama in his successful first campaign, then serving as his Secretary of State, the former First Lady is making her bid to become the first female President of the United States. What do […]