Aiming for a healthier lifestyle is important for all Americans, but for the African-American community, it is critical to make positive health changes in…

Praised as the most nutrient-rich diet for humans, rawism or raw foodism is a lifestyle many seem to be adopting nowadays. Unprocessed foods and uncooked…

While many of us are well aware that eating healthy is the right thing to do, the price tag (or our perception of the price…

04/02/14 – Rev. Al Sharpton declares today a great day! Listen to find out just how many people President Barack Obama got to sign up for…

Have you ever packed the perfect salad for lunch only to discover that once it’s time to devour it it is all soggy and wilted?…

Listen, I understand that eating salads repeatedly can get really old, really quick, even if you’re switching up the ingredients that you toss with your…

Packing a lunch is not just something that is for grade school kids; grown-ups can brown bag it too! Bringing your lunch to work is…

You’re more likely to get the flu during colder months, but by following these simple tips to fight germs, you can boost your odds for…

Has “I want to get in shape,” or “I want to lose weight,” been your New Year’s resolution for the last (fill in the blank)…