Jamie Foxx doesn't look at himself as a hero, but many others do after hearing about how the actor sprung into action to save a man from a burning car.

A man literally gave the shirt off his back to a shivering homeless man on Friday evening.

LeBron James is an amazing businessman and basketball player, but an even better person.


Devon Still has definitely captured America's hearts and his latest act of kindness is a testament to his generosity.

The five-year-old was given a badge, handcuffs, and even caught an assault suspect on his first day on the job.

A police officer is being praised for his kind gesture towards a man who was kicked off a New Jersey bus for not wearing any shoes.

For Virginia couple Arkell and Dana Griffin-Graves, having a baby was a trying feat that resulted in several miscarriages and the birth of a stillborn baby.…


Tyrese Gibson has offered to pay a young man's Morehouse College tuition; an act that was graciously accepted by 21-year-old Lorenzo Murphy

A Barber took part in Dubuque's Back to School Bash in Comiskey Park on Saturday to give free haircuts to children who read books to him

The W.K. Kellogg Foundation is donating $4.7 million to eight organizations in New Orleans and two coalitions in Mississippi devoted to uplifting young men and…

For the first time ever, First Lady Michelle Obama hosted a slumber party to remember with 50 Girl Scout members from all over the country.…

Congratulations are in order. One of the most famous African-American ballerinas just made history by becoming the first Black woman to hold the position of…