In the spirit of nostalgia, check out these TV shows that we'd love to see revived, remade, or rebooted.

In the spirit of nostalgia, check out these TV shows that we'd love to see revived, remade, or rebooted.

Take a look back at the Young Money boss's inner circle over the years.

While social situations and get-togethers often involve food and drinks, your friendships might be adding pounds! You can’t out-run your diet. Here are 18 things to do with friends that will pack in the quality time and keep off the pounds!

True friends tell you the truth about yourself, whether you want to hear it or not.

Have you found yourself spending more lone time lately? If so, you may want to invite a friend out to coffee or a movie or…

Should a new wife postpone her honeymoon because her best friend has an emergency, is this unreasonable?   

Hands up if you have sat, sympathetic look on your face, trying really hard to say something comforting to a friend who is dealing with what, the way she describes it, is a relationship problem as catastrophic as the sinking of the Titanic and as historically important as September 11?. The first couple of times […]