
In 2009, Toni Carey and Ashley Hicks created Black Girls RUN! in an effort to tackle the growing obesity epidemic in the black community and…

Listen, I understand that eating salads repeatedly can get really old, really quick, even if you’re switching up the ingredients that you toss with your…

Packing a lunch is not just something that is for grade school kids; grown-ups can brown bag it too! Bringing your lunch to work is…

Has “I want to get in shape,” or “I want to lose weight,” been your New Year’s resolution for the last (fill in the blank)…

Gearing up to travel by air this holiday season? You may have to sacrifice your carry-on space for all those gifts, and you may have…

I think I hit a record this year! I’ve been invited to so many holiday parties, I am going to have to Rent The Runway…

As you wrap up your Christmas shopping don’t forget that “fit girl” on your list! Not sure what to get her yet? I do! As…

( — At 55, the Oscar-winning star of such films as Malcolm X and Training Day follows a workout routine that would tire out most men half his age. Washington does 10 rounds of boxing five days a week — a good exercise that combines strength training and aerobic exercise, helping to build muscles and […]