
Top 10 Tips to Help You Prepare for a Blizzard Stock Up On Food/Water– Try to pack the cabinets with non-perishable items such as canned goods and cases of water. In the event of a power outage, these items won’t go bad. A 3 day supply of food should be enough. Perishable items should last […]

Here are 3 tips to make it through the season: Stay inside when you can, keep the windows closed & wash your hair before bed because pollen actually sticks to it.

Federal officials have started warning that Hurricane Irene could cause some heavy rain,  flooding or power outages along the East Coast through Maryland, Delaware, New Jersey, New York and as far as Maine. The maximum speed of Irene has been calculated at 115 mph. Forecasters has warned that it could get worse. It has been […]

After hearing about the devastation in the south, we can’t ignore the warnings about the bad weather coming to the Tri-State Area. Our friends at are always on top of the weather, and they’re paying close attention the severe thunderstorm warnings and watches. Visit here for the latest weather report.