
You’ve got questions? He’s got answers! Email your questions to Your Gay Best Friend at: Dear Gay Best Friend, Ok, I know you like…

Despite the title, this article isn’t about men. It’s about YOU. You are the most important person in your life and from within YOU flows everything that your life is to be made up of. It should be liberating to know that the quality of your relationships is a result of you, not who the […]

You’ve got questions? He’s got answers! Email your questions to Your Gay Best Friend at: Dear Gay Best Friend, Where do I start, I…

Each of us, man and woman has been given two things, a gift and a responsibility. The gift is life itself accompanied by the responsibility to exercise authoritative dominating influence over it. In essence, you have control over your own life and all that is encompassed within. Your heart, mind and emotions all fall under […]

You’ve got questions? He’s got answers! Email your questions to Your Gay Best Friend at: Dear Gay Best Friend, Eight months ago I began…

“Welcome to planet Earth. There is nothing that you cannot be, or do, or have. You are a magnificent creator” (Abraham/Esther Hicks). When engaging in what I affectionately call The Dating Game, there comes a time when you are the only person that matters. It is at this moment when the pickup lines, the comedic […]

Sometimes your relationships move too fast. Sometimes your relationships move too slow. Sometimes it’s them. Sometimes it’s you. I want the people who score a…

One day two unhappily married men were talking. One man, me, said to the other man “I think it’s us man, I think we just…

Today’s social climate is one of preoccupation. As people we are often focused so much on ourselves that we fail to realize life’s bigger picture. The call to enrich those around us; I believe each of us at some point feel the need to be selfless, even if it’s through what may appear to be […]

You’ve got questions? He’s got answers! Email your questions to Your Gay Best Friend at: Dear Gay Best Friend, I have been dating a…

It seems that good men are hard to come by in this day in age but that doesn’t mean you have to settle for less…

A game is something that is undertaken for enjoyment and sometimes used as an educational tool. If you ask me, that sounds a lot like a date, hence the title of this article series. We can debate whether or not dating is a game on another occasion but what is not debatable is how essential […]