Award-winning author Ann Petry was the first African-American woman writer to attain bestseller status in the United States. Though born to a family with privilege, she and her sisters were subjected to many incidents of discrimination while growing up black in privileged society. As a child, she remembers being forced to read the parts of illiterate slaves in class to white students.

Nationwide — National Law Group (NLG) has made history. They are the first and only Black-owned coalition of law firms that offers legal services to customers nationwide. Recently launched, the company is made up entirely of talented and experienced Black lawyers that have collectively won more than $50 million in verdict settlements. They have nearly […]

(BLACKAMERICAWEB)  “They may have the Mall, but we have the message. They may have the platform but we have the dream.” – REV. AL SHARPTON, Dunbar Senior High School, Washington D.C.   Brenda Galloway traveled with her family from North Carolina in 1963 to attend the first March on Washington, and she’s proudly paid tribute […]

It is hard to believe that after my many years of schooling, the following facts about the Statue of Liberty were never taught. Hundreds of thousands (if not millions) of people including myself have visited the Statue of Liberty over the years yet I’m unable to find one person who knows the true history behind […]

(Erica Taylor, The Tom Joyner Morning Show)  American Creole inventor Norbert Rillieux was known for his invention of the multiple-effect evaporator that became an instrumental tool in the sugar industry. He was born to a prominent mixed family, a white plantation owner and engineer and a freed black mother whose sister was the richest black […]

Black farmers were again denied a $1.25 billion settlement in a racial bias case against the federal government, when Senate Republicans on August 5 failed to support a unanimous consent on the measure. With Congress now in recess, those farmers have been put on hold again after waiting for more than a decade. “The Black […]

*Comedian Paul Mooney once said ‘everybody wants to be black, but nobody wants to be black.’ While his play on words are humorous and ironic, they appear to be dead on when it comes to the psychological effects racism has had on the entire country since its founding. With the election of an African American […]

Juneteenth, celebrated on June 19, is the name given to emancipation day by African-Americans in Texas. On that day in 1865 Union Major-General Gordon Granger read General Orders, No.3 to the people of Galveston. It stated,

A rare unanimous vote in the Senate signaled the passing of a resolution honoring Lena Horne, the esteemed jazz vocalist and civil rights pioneer who died last week at the age of 92.

Ms. Horne's singing and acting abilities were as notable as her looks. Click 'read more' to see photo gallery.

Check out Lady B's interview with Press Secretary for Mayor Nutter, Doug Oliver and the SLAM (Summer Learning And More) Program.

Now that Serena has won just about every tennis title there is to possibly win, she is taking a little time out for humanitarian efforts. She is currently in Kenya and officially inaugurated the Serena Williams Wee Secondary School.