Wouldn’t working in the comfort of your own home be the life to live; especially, if you are a mom? I appreciate and love being home with my kids. Being able to stay at home and raise your own kids, without sacrificing the family income is a wonderful feeling. It is even better if you […]

In the past, the role of moms in society has been focused on the children and house chores. Moms are expected to take the responsibility of looking after the children while also contributing to the betterment of the family. The rat race in which human beings are involved in these days suggests, she cannot only […]

Companies no longer offer secure employment with benefits and pensions. The financial crisis and mass lay-offs of the last few years has been a wake-up call to take charge of your financial life.  Even before the recent recession, financial gurus were recommending that owning a business was the only way to build financial security. That […]

As moms we want the FREEDOM to be home and available for our children in every aspect of their lives.  Time flies, our kids grow so fast, and in today’s world, so many moms have to work outside the home to help with the family finances. 

I am a mom with 3 kids and 1 on the way in May.  I have been working from home for 6 years now and I absolutely love what I do and what it allows me to do for my family.  I wanted to give you 7 benefits of working from home.