
There are many people who would relish the opportunity to take a swing at unconvicted killer George Zimmerman, and at least one lucky person will…

It’s been quite the year in politics with some advances for certain causes and a litany of failures in the other. Boo hiss to the…

  From the looks of it, George Zimmerman is trying to position himself as the redneck Van Gogh. The cash-strapped, luckiest vigilante in the world…


Racism has reared its ugly head in the Twitter feed of another conservative troll. Dinesh D’Souza, director of the controversial film 2016: Obama’s America, which is…

Back in October a Caitlin Cimeno was looking for some laughs (If you want to call it that)posted a group photo on Social Media with the caption: “Happy Halloween from Zimmerman & trayvon (insert smiley face emoji here.)” Of course after the photo was posted there was immediate outrage! Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr users were […]

The current reigning champ of political stunts, shows, and spectacle Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX, pictured) continues to illustrate the need for four letter words, after…


Once again, white people have decided that it would be great fun to revictimize slain teen Trayvon Martin, this time in the form of racist…


Benjamin Crump is an attorney from Florida who represents Trayvon Martin‘s family and is an advocate for civil rights. He is partner in his own…


Carrick High School in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania planned to have a Trayvon Martin Day during homecoming week but cancelled after parents voiced concern, reports CBS Pittsburgh.…


George Zimmerman (pictured), who gunned down 17-year-old Trayvon Martin, is now reportedly missing in action. The former neighborhood watchman is allegedly hiding out somewhere unbeknownst to…

In the latest installment of the long-running miniseries, “The O’Reilly Factor,” Bill O’Reilly swears he’s not racist, but argues that Trayvon Martin did indeed die…