It's been 32 years since Prince first starred in his 1984 acting debut Purple Rain.

As audience members and invited guests milled about enjoying cocktails before the premiere performance of Von Decarlo’s one-woman show Lasagna, the lady herself breezed past me and disappeared behind a dressing room door. I had not met her before that night, although I was familiar with her as a performer and I recognized her from […]

The founder of of Radio and TV One, Cathy Hughes is one of the top Black women in media. So it’s fair to say she’s…

Cicely Tyson is a living legend but she’s not content to just sit home and enjoy the spoils of a six-decade career in entertainment. The…

Hey it’s Tiffany Bacon and I’m back with your Cultural Report! My goal, my mission is to give you a glimpse of the many artistic and cultural events going on in our area. Today I’m highlighting the work of actors Kash Goins & Roderick Slocum in the Go Kash Production of “Topdog, Underdog.” This play […]