Despite the title, this article isn’t about men. It’s about YOU. You are the most important person in your life and from within YOU flows everything that your life is to be made up of. It should be liberating to know that the quality of your relationships is a result of you, not who the […]

“Welcome to planet Earth. There is nothing that you cannot be, or do, or have. You are a magnificent creator” (Abraham/Esther Hicks). When engaging in what I affectionately call The Dating Game, there comes a time when you are the only person that matters. It is at this moment when the pickup lines, the comedic […]

Standards create the criteria that govern who and what we allow into our lives. These criteria should be established from the outset. The standards that you set or fail to set for that matter are an extension of you; a direct reflection of the way you view yourself. They are a portrait of your self […]