The former National Security Adviser denies "unmasking" Trump campaign officials, which they think somehow vindicates Trump's ridiculous "wiretapping" claims.

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How can we advance  the issues of economics and fair trade between the United States and the African nations represented at this years leadership summit? Susan…

Even before Secretary of State John Kerry inserted an expensive shoe in to his mouth and Russia stepped in to the fray to provide a diplomatic…

Tom Joyner Morning Show

Huggy Lowdown is trying to figure out he can get a piece of that Powerball win, even if it means getting a piece of the…

On Thursday, well-respected U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice (pictured) announced that she is stepping down from her run for secretary of state, according to NBC News.…


WASHINGTON — Republican opposition to U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice as the next secretary of state began to crack Sunday as Sen. John McCain said she…