Female genital mutilation is a harrowing procedure for girls and women. Parts of the genitalia are removed and the reasons for their extraction are 100…

Harlem princess Azealia Banks got caught in another web of social media bickering as she’s now been accused of doing Whiteface. The incriminating photo was seen…

International sports star Genoveva Anonma revealed that she was asked to strip naked to prove her “womanhood” in front of World Cup officials. Not only was her…

Comedian Artie Lange recently tweeted his disgusting sexual desires for ESPN “First Take” host Cari Champion which included his need to treat her like a…

As much as I can empathize, I will never know what it’s like to be a woman subjected to the uninvited, and in many cases, menacing attention…


During a sermon full of homophobia, sexism and misogyny, Pastor Jamal H. Bryant, of the Empowerment Temple in Baltimore, MD.  told his congregation how he really…

Pop quiz–Can you name at least two current black action stars, excluding Will Smith and Denzel Washington?  Or the last time you saw an interracial couple on the big screen where the storyline didn’t revolve around the color of their skin and/or didn’t end as tragically as a Shakespearean play? Columnist J.F. Sargent at humor […]