
Rick Rubin has solidified himself as one of the best producers from the last 30 years. Being co-founder of the Def Jam, of course, he…

Once upon a time doing an entire song about butts was a novelty. Before we were inundated with odes to shaking backsides, the music industry…

  There are two schools of thought on album releases. One is to announce it way in advance and build up anticipation before it comes…

Where: (click below to visit venue on Foursquare) Rick Rubin’s dorm room11 University Place, New York University When: 1984 What: The future mogul and aspiring record producer agree to join forces, signing their first act, a sixteen-year-old from Queens named LL Cool J. «  PREVIOUS NEXT  » In celebration of Black Music Month, TheUrbanDaily’s “It’s All Black […]