What has zero calories, but can make you fat (well at least feel fat)? Salt. The number one culprit of bloating and retaining water weight.…

Are you looking to make a great stir fry with only 5 ingredients ? Well, welcome to Cooking with Bacon! I’m on a mission to find, re-create and play around with recipes that taste great, will help me lose weight and won’t take up all of my time or money. If you’re like me then you’re […]

There’s just something about a fresh salmon dish that just screams home-cooked meal. It’s one of those proteins you can meal prep for the week…

For me, the best part of Thanksgiving dinner (besides licking the bowl after mixing the cake batter) are the side dishes. The thought of casseroles,…

Happy National Oatmeal Day! If you’re not excited yet, wait ’til you see the recipes I have for you! Oats are considered a superfood and…

Happy National Oatmeal Day! If you’re not excited yet, wait ’til you see the recipes I have for you! Oats are considered a superfood and…

Once fall rolls in pumpkin’s the it-food and I couldn’t be happier! This soft and savory flavor is great in pies and lattes, however those aren’t the…