Racial tensions have grown in the days since unarmed 18-year-old Michael Brown was killed by a police officer in Ferguson, Missouri. Brown was black. Darren…

If you were in control of a city government under siege with charges of racial profiling, police brutality and totalitarian administration, don’t you think you’d…

Eighteen-year-old Mike Brown’s death at the hands of police inspired passionate protests in his hometown of Ferguson, Missouri and new questions about racism and police…

Eighteen-year-old Mike Brown’s death at the hands of police inspired passionate protests in his hometown of Ferguson, Missouri and new questions about racism and police…

Ezell Ford, 24, died Tuesday after being shot by Los Angeles police during an encounter Monday night in South LA. Tritobia Ford said that her son…


The parents of Michael Brown appeared at a news conference in tears, demanding justice in the wake of the deadly shooting that took the life…

News One Exclusives

Guest host Jeff Johnson and the “NewsOne Now” panel discuss how African American communities can protect themselves against police violence. Listen to Johnson, GOP Strategist, J. Hogan…


New York’s City’s top cop went on a media blitz to deny that NYPD officers are singling out minorities in a crackdown on minor offenses.…


Rosan Miller, 27, a 7-month pregnant woman from Brooklyn, was allegedly placed in a chokehold by an NYPD officer over a dispute about her grilling…

07/23/14 -in his weekly commentary on the Tom Joyner Morning Show, Reverend Al Sharpton discusses the latest surrounding the  death of Eric Garner.