At a meeting at Bryant Elementary last night, Philadelphia School District Superintendent Dr. William Hite announced that following an investigation into the kidnapping, the district has decided to replace the principal at the school. The district is also taking action against 3 others.

According to Meek Mill, the Philadelphia School District cancelled a Meek Mill appearance and Strawberry Mansion H.S. due to his controversial lyrics and rap style. Meek Mill said…

The Philadelphia School District today announced almost 40 schools will close in September 2013 due to major declines in enrollment and very major budget shortfalls. While no teacher lay offs were announced, other jobs are expected to be cut. Here is a list of all schools recommended for closure. If approved, the closings will be […]

With almost $40 million needing to be cut by June, The Philadelphia School District has a tough financial road ahead. The five-year fiscal plan put in place by the former superintendent, Dr. Arlene Ackerman, unfortunately did not end as expected. Here is a direct quote from the Five-Year Fiscal plan: “A Gap Closing Plan is […]