Dr. Cornel West appeared on CNN to discuss Ferguson’s impact on race in America. Ever the critic of President Obama, Dr. West couldn’t help but…

CNN anchor Don Lemon reports from Ferguson, MO after violent protests of the grand jury decision not to prosecute officer Darren Wilson.

[UPDATE] 11/25/14 12:21 am est. Read Darren Wilson’s Testimony Here:   [UPDATE] 11/24/14 10:11 pm est. President Obama delivers a statement on the Grand Jury decision for no indictment of Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson. [UPDATE] 11/24/14 9:25 pm est. The Grad Jury handling the Mike Brown Shooting have concluded that there will be no […]

Internet activist group Anonymous sparked the worldwide (481 cities) “Million Mask March” event and on November 5th, several protestors gathered around the world. Anonymous is a…

As we all intensely await the Ferguson shooting grand jury’s decision on whether or not Ferguson Police Officer Darren Wilson will be criminally charged for…

Ferguson Police Chief Thomas Jackson may have released a video apologizing to “peaceful” protesters and the Brown Family about how Mike Brown’s case was handled,…

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This week St. Louis County Prosecutor Bob McCulloch announced that he is extending the Michael Brown grand jury’s deadline to January 2015. Roland Martin, joined by an…


In an interview with CNN’s Don Lemon, Pharrell Williams shared his thoughts on the police killing of unarmed 18-year-old Michael Brown and the unrest the followed in…

The police shooting death of 18-year-old Michael “Mike” Brown in Ferguson, Mo., on August 9th captured the attention of the nation. With an explosive case…

Actor/activist Hill Harper joined Roland Martin on “NewsOne Now” and talked about how traumatized the young people in Ferguson are as a result a of…

The nation has watched in horror and sadness as events unfolded after unarmed teenager Michael Brown was gunned down by police and left to die…