Angie Fisher‘s debut powerful, bluesy track, is the song that arrests your attention immediately as she belts her first note. “I.R.S.” is a song about something…

Dj Touchtone blessed us with a tribute mix to the King Of Pop, Michael Jackson. Today we remember a legend and a musical genius. His music will forever live on. Check out the mix below… Help Old School 100.3 Get To 50,000 Likes!

Professional bodyguards Bill Whitfield and Javon Beard, the authors of “Michael Jackson: Remember The Time” didn’t set out to destroy Michael Jackson’s credibility or reputation…

No matter what artists come and go, the fact will always remain Michael Jackson is the greatest performer to ever grace the planet. It’s been…

As much as we hope and pray that Michael Jackson gets a chance to rest in peace, that most likely will never happen. A few…


Brandon Howard, 31, the man who is reportedly Michael Jackson‘s long-lost son, denies reports that he agreed to DNA testing and has no plans of…

In a recent interview, the former doctor reveals……. “You want to know how close Michael and I were? I held his penis every night. I had to put a condom catheter on him because Michael dripped urine. He had a loss of sensation and was incontinent. “Michael didn’t know how to put a condom on, […]