The title of Best Meal of the day goes to Ms. Kisha Prince! Kisha is making “Stew oxtail (carribean style), BBQ ribs, rice and peas, collard greens, garden salad and corn bread/wheat bread and yes I’m American but ny husband is from the beautiful island of St Vincent and the Grenadines!!! I’m a beast in […]

Each week on Cookin’ with Bacon I encourage my listeners to return to the tradition of cooking Sunday dinner. So, at the beginning of each show I ask folks to call in and tell me what’s “on the menu” and the person will earn their props right here on our website! Today’s winner is (drum […]

So today’s winner of the “Best Meal of the Day” is Crystal from Pottstown, Pa! She’s making BBQ short ribs, broccoli, brussel sprouts with bacon and yellow rice! Crystal I love the fact that you included two veggies, a protein & a starch. Good eating is healthy eating so remember to include those veggies in […]