Spelman College, the nation’s top HBCU for women, is considering accepting transgender students. The news was announced by the college’s president late last week. The AJC.com reports: President Mary Schmidt Campbell included the information in a welcome back letter to the campus community on Thursday and posted on the private school’s website. Spelman is the […]

Tom Joyner Morning Show

While tolerance and acceptance of transgender people is slowly emerging in modern times. the last century was much less understanding. For transgender pioneer Lucy Hicks Anderson, those…

Ohio resident Jennifer Cramblett and her partner got a surprise when their baby was born after they used a sperm donor to get pregnant. Their…

Bye, Felicia. Well, in this case, it’s Bye, Glory as WNBA star Brittney Griner got some good news today in her divorce battle. The two…

  Today is World AIDS Day, a day to not just remember those we’ve lost to the virus, but also to increase awareness. This year’s…