The KKK and a Pro-Black group in the same vicinity led to clashes when their rallies overlapped. Somebody had to see this coming.

Yesterday, David Duke announced that he was considering running for a seat in Congress. We otherwise wouldn’t mind, except his last major role in leadership…

Do you have a sweet tooth and a terrible attitude toward anyone that’s not White, protestant, and heterosexual? If so, if you’re looking to visit…


Over a period of nine months back in 1979, now-retired African-American cop Ron Stallworth (pictured) went undercover with a Colorado chapter of the Ku Klux…


KKK Forms Neighborhood Watch Group In Pennsylvania In response to a string of recent break-ins, the Traditionalist American Knights of the Ku Klux Klan has…

Apparently, we are all dead wrong in the way history views the White supremacist organization the Ku Klux Klan, according to Frank Ancona, imperial wizard of the…


Jackson Black (pictured left) of Craigsville, Va., is coming under fire for dressing as a Klansman for Halloween, and apparently, the costume is a family…


Today on “NewsOne Now,” Roland Martin talked with callers about Rep. Alan Grayson comparing the Tea Party to the KKK in a campaign email. Some of the…

An Orange, Fla., African-American family were shocked to find a KKK flier (pictured) on their doorstep this week, reports the Orlando Sentinel. SEE ALSO: Henry…


Three unidentified students are being investigated for sporting Ku Klux Klan-styled garb at a state semifinal hockey game last Friday in North Dakota, reports the…