Your success in an area including your relationship begins and ends with you. If there is a gap between what you want and what you have then an intentional reevaluation is needed. Allow yourself some space by spending some time alone. Time spent by yourself should be time spent on yourself. As you do this […]

To Whom It May Concern, Let me start by saying that though I may not know your name, I do believe that I know who you are. I hope that makes sense. I truly believe that all of our paths cross at some point in life whether directly or indirectly and that we all can […]

Our resident relationship expert, Kevin Carr, was kind enough to give us a few tips for our dating game. Here’s a look at Kevin’s list of first date mistakes to avoid. No job interviews: “Where do you work?” “How much do you make?” “What are your future plans?” No one likes to be interrogated on […]

Each of us, man and woman has been given two things, a gift and a responsibility. The gift is life itself accompanied by the responsibility to exercise authoritative dominating influence over it. In essence, you have control over your own life and all that is encompassed within. Your heart, mind and emotions all fall under […]

“Welcome to planet Earth. There is nothing that you cannot be, or do, or have. You are a magnificent creator” (Abraham/Esther Hicks). When engaging in what I affectionately call The Dating Game, there comes a time when you are the only person that matters. It is at this moment when the pickup lines, the comedic […]

Standards create the criteria that govern who and what we allow into our lives. These criteria should be established from the outset. The standards that you set or fail to set for that matter are an extension of you; a direct reflection of the way you view yourself. They are a portrait of your self […]