It’s moments like these that restore our faith in humanity. Elvis Summers built a tiny home for 60-year-old homeless woman named Smokie, who’s been on the…

I decided to join my Momentum family (life transformation program) on a Saturday morning to make bag lunches and pass them out to people who…

Three White male teenagers are considered suspects after a homeless man, 58-year-old John Frazier was set on fire while he slept in a sleeping bag at…

Women have periods. Many women are homeless. Women make up almost 32 percent of the homeless population in the United States. Those women have periods…


Despite living at DC homeless shelter, high school senior earns full scholarship at Georgetown University Rashema Melson, an Anacostia High School senior has a 4.0 GPA and…

Tom Joyner Morning Show

Jacque Reid goes “Inside Her Story” with Chelsea Fearce about overcoming the odds of homelessness to graduate high school with a 4.46 G.P.A. and entering…

This is the next video installment of the Ted Williams story. This will make you cry, cheer and thank God!

If you believe in second chances, rooting for the underdog or God’s Grace and Mercy, check out this follow up video of the homeless man with the great radio voice…I am so happy for him and I REALLY hope someone gives him a gig!

This man has a GREAT voice! He needs to do some voice overs…will someone PLEASE hire him?? You never know what talent is unrealized on any given city street!