The media mogul and Oscar nominee tells TD Jakes that this nation can choose between a democracy or a demagogue.

FLOTUS is back on the campaign trail in Arizona with harsh words for GOP nominee Donald Trump.

Anthony Hamilton and Hamiltones have done it again with another soulful, acappella, ballad that will have you tapping your feet as you soak in the message. The soul star and his backup singers took their swing at creating a PSA for why people should vote for Hillary Clinton versus Donald Trump. Playing off Trump’s headline […]

The latest viral phenomenon is Ken Bone, who went from 7 followers to over 15,000 after asking a question during last night's presidential debate.

With Donald Trump’s “lewd comments” coming in less than 48 hours before the debate, one would have thought that the so-called populist Republican candidate would have been more contrite. But that’s not Donald Trump’s style. In fact, he brought no less than three of Bill Clinton sexual assault accusers to the debate with him to […]

Robert DeNiro’s is one of the best to ever do it in Hollywood. Check out his Rant towards Donald Trump.  


  The second presidential debate was perhaps the one of the most bizarre and confusing of its kind. With both Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton both addressing some of the stains on their past, more recently the leaked video of Trump discussing his beliefs regarding sexual assault against women while wearing a hot mic. While many […]

The former Secretary of State has had enough of the reality star's sexist antics and believes he is unfit to lead the nation.

News One Exclusives

A defiant Donald Trump is expected to take the stage Sunday at the second debate against Hillary Clinton in St. Louis, Missouri, on the heels of one of the worst public relations debacles to confront a presidential candidate in the nation’s history. The town hall debate forum will take place at 9 P.M. EST at Washington University and […]