We can not stress the importance of voting enough! The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled in the favor for Ohio’s method for removing ineligible voters from its rolls. Under Ohio’s policy, if registered voters miss voting for two years, they are sent registration confirmation notices. If they do not respond and have not voted over […]

For the first time, the U.S. government is confirming that it conducted secret chemical experiments on World War II troops by grouping them according to…

Is the government watching you? Approximately 50 American law enforcement agencies, including the FBI and U.S. Marshals, have been exposed for secretly tracking former criminals,…

President Obama passed laws that made the gun control laws more strict and the Tom Joyner Morning Show created a mini-mix based on the President’s recent speech about gun control.

          If you missed it, here is Jay Anthony Brown’s Murdered Hit talking about the government lies that people hear in the media about potential political candidates.