The child is a 13 month old boy. Following the incident, the child was taken to West Jersey Hospital where he was treated for scrapes and bruises. Fortunately, a laundromat employee raced to the washer, saw the child inside, quickly pulled away tables, opened a panel at the back of the machines & went straight […]

The 58 year old driver of the truck, jumped a curb near & struck the 2 children. Shortly after the incident, neighbors surrounded the truck, pulled the man from the vehicle & assaulted him until police arrived to stop them. Credit Driver Beaten After Kids Hit By Truck:

Officers vacated the building of the city’s 2nd & 15th districts after the man brought in the explosive device wrapped in plastic!  He said he heard it “rattling” in a radio he bought at a flea market Sunday morning! For more on this story log onto Police Station Evacuated After Man Brings In […]

An airline employee boarded a Newark, N.J.-bound flight before it departed Tuesday evening from Fort Lauderdale, telling the family that their 18 month old was on the federal list that includes thousands of known or suspected terrorists. The parents do not plan to take any legal action. For more on this story log onto