DL gots you covered on the Thanksgiving holiday coming up and his plans for the holiday.

DL Hughley talks about President Obama's trip to India, the red and blue state mentality resembling the Bloods/Crips gang, and people trying to ban Mc Donalds Happy Meals.

DL talks about the Election Day results on his commentary today on the TJMS.

DL Hughley gives his take on Lebron James playing with The Miami Heat, city of Cleveland, Charlie Sheen found with hookers and people getting out to vote on Election Day Nov. 2nd.

In DL's latest commentary, he talks about bullying, and Brett Favre's texting scandal.

In DL's latest commentary, he tackles the 33 Chilean miners that were finally rescued yesterday after being trapped in the mines for 70 days.

It's Thursday so that can mean only one thing, DL Hughley. Find out what DL had on tap for today. All I can say is gun laws, mayors, fried chicken, Halloween and Hummers...