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Almost a week after the tragic events that took place in Dallas and claimed the lives of five police officers, a memorial service was held today to formally lay them rest and attended by President Obama. The President gave a moving speech about the fallen officers and also the state of violence and guns in […]

President Barack Obama will do what he’s done so many times as president, he will speak with and to families who have lost loved ones to senseless violence. He will speak to a confused, angry, grieving and divided nation. This time he will combine two tightropes that he usually walks separately – race and gun […]

Roland Martin talks to Mark Hughes, the man who was mistakenly identified as a suspect by Dallas Police Department during the deadly protest that took the lives of five officers. Mark’s brother Corey also joins the conversation to discuss the treatment Mark faced while being interrogated. “It’s been a complete nightmare, literally. Going from someone who is […]

7/11/16- Rev. Al Sharpton talks to the Tom Joyner Morning Show about the recent shootings of Alton Sterling, Philando Castille and the five policemen killed in Dallas after a protest to combat blacks and police violence. “Until a policeman knows he will go to jail for breaking the law, they’re not going to change. Once […]