It’s safe to say that Dorothea Daniels is living proof that it’s never too late to accomplish a goal. The Santa Clarita, California resident earned…

Kenneth Chancey is a 23-year-old college graduate who was once homeless on Skid Row. Chancey graduated from Loyola Marymouth University with a degree in political…

Harold Ekeh, an impressive 18-year-old high school senior, has the toughest decision ever to make: He’s been accepted to every college he’s applied to, including all eight ivy…

Meet Harold Ekeh, the high school senior who was accepted into all 8 Ivy League schools! — Sons & Brothers (@sonsandbros) April 5,…

A noose found hanging from a tree on Duke University’s campus early Wednesday has prompted an investigation, school officials say. According to CBS, Vice President for…

News One Exclusives

A new report from MetricMaps details a shocking statistic — in 16 states in the nation, there are more people locked up in correctional facilities than those…

After returning from a refreshing and awesome spring break vacation, a Black female student at Texas A&M Corpus Christi University was greeted by racial slurs…


With tensions between minorities and police at an all-time high these days, some parents are taking more precautions to keep their children safe. In a recent interview…

Is there a reason why fraternities just can’t behave their damn selves lately? After the SAE racist fiasco and a hazing incident at the University of Houston,…

Shanice Clark, a senior at the California University of Pennsylvania was found unresponsive in her room on Sunday at 3 a.m. and was pronounced dead…

  The Tom Joyner Morning Show talks to Pamela Alexander, the Director of Community Development for Ford Motor Company Fund & Shade Douglas, (that’s no…

  Denny’s CEO John Miller didn’t want to call in his good news to the Tom Joyner Morning Show, so he actually came down to…