Entertainment News

Suffering through years of physical abuse is enough to drive anyone to their breaking point regardless of age. As previously reported, 15-year-old Bresha Meadows was arrested on July 28 for fatally shooting her abusive father in an attempt to protect herself and her family. Now a show of support has emerged for the teen, as […]

Brandi Meadows, Bresha's mother, tearfully spoke about her family's pain. “She is my hero. I wasn’t strong enough to get out and she helped me," Meadows told reporters gathered at her home.


Fourteen-year-old Bresha Meadows took the life of her father in July. She is currently behind bars on charges of aggravated murder. But Bresha’s family is calling her a “hero,” who saved them all from the verbally and physically abusive Jonathan Meadows. Police allege Bresha shot her father as he slept in their Warren, Ohio home, using the same gun with which […]

Attorney says domestic violence caused a girl, 14, to kill her father. The man's siblings doubt that story.