Keith Lamont Scott’s family say they are glad that Charlotte Mecklenburg Police released the footage of Scott’s final moments. They dispute CMPD’s assertion that Scott had a gun. “I don’t see anything that would lead to him losing his life,” said family attorney Justin Bamberg. “Mr Scott steps out of the vehicle. He doesn’t appear […]

In a 30 minute press conference, Charlotte Police Kerr Putney reiterated what he’s has said consistently: The videos do not show that Keith Lamont Scott had a gun and was point it at police officers. Putney did say however that the reason officers approached Scott was because they noticed that he was in possession of […]


Colin Kaepernick continues to stand up for what he believes in via his protest of the national anthem, a move that has garnered him a wealth of support and admiration. However, there have also been many who have voiced their opposition to his stance, but now things have gotten out of hand and perhaps Kaepernick […]

One man took a stand for the racially profiled kids in his neighborhood.

Entertainment News

Colin Kaepernick continues to make headlines for his determination to stand for his principles and make a difference. After his widely covered decision not to stand during the national anthem, Kaepernick was looked at as a hero to many, which is why it was of little surprise that his jersey became the number one best-seller […]

Entertainment News

Another day, another black celebrity that has jumped on “all lives matter” train, this time it’s NFL player Cam Newton who has caused a social media uproar after an interview he did with ESPN was released. In the interview, Newton didn’t explicitly say that “all lives matter,” but he went a step further and proclaimed […]

Entertainment News

We hopped on the phone with Cannon to talk about race in America, putting Jay Z and Beyoncé on blast, the current state of affairs with his ex-wife — and finally got an answer about the deal with his beloved turbans.

One of the things the civil rights movement did best was stay on message with a central goal of ending Jim Crow segregation and racism. That message was delivered by the NAACP, the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE), the Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) and of course the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) led by […]

In the era of celebrity biopics, the idea of a film about your favorite public figure is always exciting.

Entertainment News

When the disappointing and outrageous news broke today that all of the officers tried in the Freddie Gray murder case had been acquitted, most people were shocked, saddened and disheartened by another injustice of a black man being murdered with no one held accountable. However it wasn’t just regular citizens who were highly upset, as […]