The new year seems so close yet so far away … well considering we may not make it to the year 2013.  According to the ancient Mayan calendar, the last cycle will end, December 21, 2012. To prepare for the world’s end, here are a few essentials items you should include in your “End Of […]

 Halloween is one of the most fun holidays. It’s an excuse to dress up as someone or something else and act a fool. Another reason people look forward to the Halloween season is watching scary movies. However, one annoying thing about horror films  is that in many cases the black person dies within the first […]

Tomorrow will see the nationwide release of one of this summer’s most anticipated movies – J.J. Abrams’ alleged homage to Steven Spielberg of old, Super 8. The film centers on a group of white kids in a small Ohio town in the 1970s whose adventures into film-making with their Super 8mm camera are interrupted by […]

Remember when you were a teenager and had long, late-night talks with friends in between viewings of ‘Predator,’ ‘Gremlins,’ ‘The Monster Squad,’ or any number of other classic sci-fi/horror/action hybrids, wondering what you would do if aliens, monsters or demons ever invaded your neighborhood? Remember how you debated on end about what weapons you would […]