Dear Gay Best Friend, My man and I have a wonderful relationship. We both have fantastic jobs. He is great with my and his own children (from previous marriages), and he takes good care of me and our household with no problem. We attend church, many social functions, go out on date nights, travel, and get along great. A woman could not […]

Dear Gay Best Friend, I am going to start out saying that I really don’t know what to do. I am a single mother of two kids. My son will be 18 next month, and my daughter will be 14 on May the 1st. I have been with the same man for six years, and when […]

Dear Gay Best Friend, I met this guy “Robert” at a bar on a Friday. We exchanged numbers and planned to hang out the next day because I was headed off to another place to meet up with friends. However (and probably unfortunately) I ended up seeing him after the bars closed as I was […]

Dear Gay Best Friend, This is a 2 part question: I’ve been dating my boyfriend for 1 year. I love him very much. I have a 7 year old son and he has a 4 year old son. My problem is that he has yet to introduce me to his family, but he knows mine. […]

Dear Gay Best Friend, Ok, I’m a Gemini so excuse the indecisiveness. My dilemma: stay or go. Here are the facts: I’ve been “seeing” dude for almost a year. Early on learned he wasn’t relationship material because he’s in love with himself. Literally. Decided to deal with him sexually no strings attached because I was […]

Dear Gay Best Friend, I just read an article of yours online and felt the need to inquire more advice from you. So, here’s the deal: I met this guy 2 weeks ago at a football party. He has text me non-stop, even text good morning and good night every day. Not to mention he […]

Dear Gay Best Friend, I’m a male who is going through a separation right now. I’m 32 and she is 27. We have been married 5 years. I knew her for 9 years. We have no kids. We were having issues within our marriage with communication. There was no abuse or cheating. She started to […]

Dear Gay Best Friend, I have been dating since I was 16 years old and have never been single. I’m 28 now. As one relationship ends I find myself in a new one, sometimes within days. I have never been married and have no kids. I have had two 5 years relationship back to back. […]

Roland Martin talks to E. Faye Williams of the National Congress of Black Women about how to get your man to go to the doctor.…

Dear Gay Best Friend I’m a thirty-five year old successful black man and I’ve never done this before. My sister reads your posts all the time on HelloBeautiful and she told me you would be the best person to come to for help. See I’ve been divorced for about two years. I cheated on my wife […]

Dear Gay Best Friend, Please give me your honest opinion! I started seeing a good friend over two years ago. We love each other. He is my soul mate, which is something you only find once if you’re lucky. I believe fate made him tell me how he felt, which was such a relief because […]

Dear Gay Best Friend, My husband cheated on me a couple of years ago and as a result he had a daughter with this woman who claims to be our friend, and she was our Boss at one point. I found out when she served him papers for child support. I was devastated after six […]