
It’s been almost two months since the 2016 presidential election and the majority of us are still trying to forget the outcome. Unfortunately for the foreseeable future, we are stuck with one Donald Trump, but that doesn’t mean that we can’t bask in the glow of the last eight years under President Obama. And apparently, […]

"Anything that I felt about the election I said and I stand by. This is our democracy, and this is how it works," Obama said.

“Don’t be afraid. We are going to bring our country back. But certainly, don’t be afraid.” – President-elect Donald Trump Too late. Americans are already afraid. African-Americans are afraid that Stop and Frisk – and racial profiling — will be revived and that African-Americans and other people of color will be stopped and detained by […]

While the fraction of the country who elected him feels secure, there's been an overwhelming sense of fear and disgust culminating in the hashtag #NotMyPresident.

Entertainment News

While at New York Comic-Con 2016, we asked kids, adults, and everyone in-between, if they had to name the presidential candidates after comic book villains, who would they be?

A Twitter user named Kenny Okwara posted a video of his mom making an impassioned plea to get out the vote.

POTUS warns Americans to pay attention to the upcoming election and what that means for the country's relationship with other nations.

Critics clapback saying that Americans deserve a president who isn't afraid to condemn white supremacists and hate groups.

Hours after Hillary Clinton declared her bid for the presidency, Senator Marco Rubio announced he would be throwing his name in the hat for the…

Up until very, very recently, Ron Paul, and his son, Rand Paul, have shared not only,  but similar reputations. Like his father, Rand Paul has…

This week, former Florida governor Jeb Bush took to his Facebook page to announce that he has “decided to actively explore the possibility of running…

It looks like Dr. Ben Carson may be the first candidate to throw himself into the ring for the 2016 Presidential race. No official announcement…