About DC Todd

Well, this doesn’t bode well for Chris Brown: Richmond’s chief of police has stepped down, days after prosecutors accused Brown of faking some of his community service hours—possibly with the help of Virginia police. No official word why Bryan T. Norwood resigned, but sources tell the Times-Dispatch he has a rocky relationship with the mayor and has been […]

Just when you thought Americans couldn’t get any unhealthier comes this culinary revelation: a Mountain Dew breakfast drink. PepsiCo’s carbonated Kickstart rolls out this month, bringing the bleary-eyed masses a mix of “Mountain Dew flavor,” caffeine, artificial sweeteners, Vitamins B and C, just 80 calories, and what can probably best be described as a touch of juice […]

As police continue to search for Christopher Dorner, the ex-LAPD officer accused of killing three people, the Los Angeles Times takes a look at why Dorner was fired in 2009. The department is also reopening the investigation. Dorner was working with training officer Teresa Evans in 2007; she said he was having trouble readjusting to police work after […]

The horse meat contamination scandal grossing out Europe and the UK has now reached as many as 16 countries, the BBC reports. Officials continue to investigate the problem and trace the meat involved, but the food industry’s complex supply chains are complicating matters. The AP describes “a maze of trading between meat wholesalers,” making the origins of the meat difficult to […]

Philadelphia Police say they have made an arrest after a 7-year-old boy found a gun inside his backpack while at school. Tarron Wescott, 22, of the 5400 block of Hadfield Street, was charged with endangering the welfare of a child and theft. The boy is Wescott’s stepson, police said. Police were called to the Samuel […]

Jesse Jackson Jr. has struck a deal on federal charges that he used campaign contributions for personal expenses, reports NBC Chicago. He will have to repay hundreds of thousands of dollars, but the big question is whether Jackson is headed to jail. NBC says it’s up to a federal judge, but the Chicago Sun-Times says the deal involves […]

Til booze do us part? A new study out of Norway says that drinking and marriage don’t mix—especially if the woman is doing the heaviest drinking, reports the Los Angeles Times. After looking at nearly 20,000 married couples, researchers found heavy-drinking couples had a divorce rate of 17.2%, versus 5.8% for light drinkers. But the worst […]

 Robin Roberts is back. As promised, she’s been making some appearances on Good Morning America this month, and she’ll be back at the anchor desk on Feb. 20. That’s exactly six months since she got her bone marrow transplant to treat a rare blood disorder. “What a difference a year makes,” said Roberts; she first started experiencing symptoms one year […]

The Boy Scouts of America’s national executive board has delayed a decision on whether to lift its longstanding ban on gay scouts and leaders. The BSA today said the organization will instead take action on the resolution at its national meeting in May. The Scouts said last week that the organization was considering a shift in […]

Want a higher sperm count? Get off the couch and start working out. A new Harvard University study found that college-aged men who often exercise have as much as 73% more sperm than their lazier peers,Bloomberg reports. Specifically, those who worked out more than 14 hours a week had the highest sperm counts, while those who […]

Those who may have noticed during their morning commute a man standing on the median of North Broad and Vine streets decked out in a white robe and pointed hood can rest assured – he’s in no way a member of the Ku Klux Klan. “I’m protesting black-on-black murder,” said Sixx King, who is himself […]

Arlene Ackerman, Ed. D, died Saturday at the age of 66 of cancer. Ackerman became superintendent of the Philadelphia Public Schools District in 2008. During her tenor as superintendent half of all children in the school district met standards on state exams, which was a first since the enactment of No Child Left Behind laws. […]