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By: Helen Polaski

When it comes to gift giving, the old adage has always been “it’s the thought that counts.” And though we would readily agree, it’s safe to say that at one time or another we all have been guilty of not following proper gift giving etiquette.

Most of us love to shop, but how many of us like to buy things that strike our fancy, not the fancy of someone else? Plus, it’s no fun to purchase something you consider tacky or ugly or ridiculously out of style, even if that item is exactly what your sister or best friend would love.

Yet, according to proper gift giving etiquette, when purchasing a gift for someone else at no time should your taste override that of the recipient.

Silent Rules of Gift Giving

A perfect gift should show that you invested a little time and energy and that you actually cared about the feelings of the recipient. If you go the extra mile, it’s more likely that the recipient will love the gift. When you don’t invest some time and effort into your choice of gifts the recipient’s smile will be forced, a sure sign they don’t like their gift. What’s worse, you’ll both know it. Their forced smile will be followed by that uncomfortable moment in which two things usually happen: the recipient lies and says they love the gift and you scramble to find the receipt so they can return said item as soon as you leave. The easiest way to avoid this problem is to shop for a gift that they are going to like.

Gift Etiquette

The best way to avoid this conundrum is to find a happy medium between yourself and the recipient. Sit down and really think about the recipient. What do you have in common? Once you figure this out, you can easily zone in on an area that would be safe shopping ground.

For instance, if you both enjoy the same music, you would be safe in purchasing a nice basket and filling it with CDs you would love. If you both like gardening, buy a garden basket, and fill it with gardening tools.

Taste or the Lack Thereof

There is no accounting for taste. Just grit your teeth and buy that ugly brown sweater with the yellow zipper that your sister wants so badly. You’ll preserve the gift-giving magic and cement your sisterly bond for life. As ugly as you think it is, she’ll love you all the more for buying it. Knowing you made her happy is more fun than shopping for a nice pink sweater that would have looked wonderful (on you).

Appreciated or Not?

Giving a gift is an act of kindness. When someone is nice to someone else, the expected reaction, which is not always received, is gratitude. Therefore, common etiquette suggests that when one receives a gift for whatever reason the automatic response should be to offer a heartfelt thank you in return.

It matters not whether the thank-you note arrives by mail or telephone or in person. What does matter, however, is that the recipient acknowledges the gift.

Gift Giving at Work

Gift giving strengthens bonds, both at home and at the workplace. Often, bosses set up a system where gifts are given to exemplary employees in the form of gift certificates or the ever popular gift baskets, which are easy on the eyes and easy on the budget.

Additionally, during the holidays, many companies exchange gifts or conduct Secret Santa programs. Not only do these types of activities break up the monotony of the daily grind, but they also serve keep goodwill and cheer flowing throughout the office during a hectic time.

The Element of Surprise

If you want to give a gift that’ll be remembered all year long, you need to put your imagination to work. Listen to what the recipient talks about, especially if they say they need something. For example, if a person often says they’d love to paint but never have the time, then a set of paints and brushes might inspire them to get started.

Occasionally, you’ll come across a recipient who seems to have everything. That’s when you can let your imagination run wild. Your goal in this case is to find something that will surprise and delight. Purchase a gift that they may not have said they wanted but which reflects their personality. You’ll show them that you always pay attention to and remember what they have to say.