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Mayor Rahn Emanuel And Chicago Police Superintendent McCarthy To Release Police Shooting Video

Source: Scott Olson / Getty

Chicago Police Department to Trump: Quit Lying, We Didn’t Tell You Ish

While Donald Trump’s camp is claiming they met with the Chicago Police Department (CPD) and were told to cancel the rally due to safety concerns, the CPD went on the record saying that just isn’t true.

“I spoke with law enforcement and made [the call to cancel] in conjunction with law enforcement, and I think we made a wise decision,” Trump said in a phone interview on MSNBC. Yet, a spokesman for the Chicago Police Department says the agency never recommended that the Republican frontrunner cancel his campaign rally at the University of Illinois-Chicago.

CPD spokesman Anthony Guglielmi told The Associated Press that neither the CPD or UIC police said anything about calling of the event, nor did Trump ever come to campus.  According to the Associated Press, Guglielmi was clear that the CPP  “had sufficient manpower on the scene to handle any situation” and that cancelling was a “decision made “independently” by the campaign.” (The Associated Press)

President Obama Narrows SCOTUS Finalists Down To Three

President Barack Obama - 2016 SXSW Music, Film + Interactive Festival

Source: Neilson Barnard / Getty

Between canoodling with Canada’s Prime Minister in D.C. to giving the opening remarks at the South By Southwest Conference in Austin, TX, President Barack Obama is one busy man. But he is still always about business, especially about deciding who he will nominate to fill the open Supreme Court Justice seat. And he is one step closer to making a decision, says the Washington Post.

POTUS has narrowed his list down to three finalist, which include Paul Watford, a judge for California’s U.S. Court of Appeals, Merrick Garland, chief judge of the U.S. Court of Appeals for D.C; and Sri Srinivasan, a judge on the same court as Garland. Yes, they are all men, but Srinivasan is an Asian-American and if chosen he would be the first person of Asian descent to be nominated and sit on the bench of this nation’s highest court.

It’s believed that President Obama will make a final decision sometime next week. (The Washington Post)

Maryland HBCU Bowie State To Offer Minor In Hip-Hop Studies

'Kid n' Play' 2 Hype Album Cover Portrait Session

Source: Waring Abbott / Getty

While Bowie State University may be the oldest HBCU in Maryland, that doesn’t mean the school is out of touch. According to a recent newsletter, come this fall, they will offer their students an opportunity to minor in Hip-Hop Studies and Visual Culture.

The curriculum will draw upon the arts, media, history, and literature to encourage students to critically discuss how the music and culture intersects with social justice, politics and society. Students will also have an opportunity to engage with hip-hop scholars and artists through guest lectures, workshops and class trips, the newsletter noted.

“By understanding hip-hop and the possibilities of incorporating it into education for the youth inside and outside the classroom, the potential to create positive change is boundless,” said Amber Matthews, a senior majoring in the visual communication and digital media arts (VCDMA) program.

Afternoon Minute: Chicago Police Deny Telling Trump To Cancel Windy City Rally  was originally published on