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It’s a new year and that means you should have a new financial plan if you’re not happy with where you are. Here are a few tips from hip-hop’s money man, Rob Wilson:

Earn More Money – The “gig economy” is here to stay. Here are some of the best ways to find extra work and make more money.

UpWork – Freelancing platform where businesses and independent professionals connect and collaborate remotely.

HourlyNerd– Online marketplace for consulting gigs, targeted at MBAs from top schools

Manage The Money You Have:  Feel like you’re “all over the place” when it comes to managing your money? Here are a few great ways to get your finances in order.

Coin – A new device that allows you to consolidate all of your cards into one. No more carrying 50 different cards in your wallet.

Take advantage of peer-to-peer payment apps:

Venmo   and Square Cash – These are mobile apps that make it easy to pay friends to split restaurant bills, pay rent etc. And they are FREE!

Money Mondays: The Money Advice You Need For 2016  was originally published on

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