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bb3There’s an old saying that states, “You never know how strong you are until you have to be.” That statement is so true for Shondia, a wife and mother of two, who a few years ago, had to be the strongest in her life when she was diagnosed with breast cancer. But the way she found out was much different than what you normally here. recently sat down with Shondia to share her story.

When did you first find out you had breast cancer?

It was December 23, 2010. I didn’t have lumps, discomfort, or discharge. I had no symptoms of breast cancer. It was simply the Holy Spirit that whispered to me, “You need to get a mammogram!” I’m so thankful I was able to get one. Two weeks later, I was diagnosed with breast cancer in both breasts! In my right breast, I had stage 0. I also had two different types of cancer in my right breast, DCIS and LCIS. In my left breast, I had DCIS and I had 2 stages of cancer. One area was stage 0 and another area was stage 1A, that was near a blood vessel!

MUST READ: Stage 0 Breast Cancer Is No Joke! Here’s why…

How did you feel? I feel good all over, thru and thru!!


When and why did you make the decision to have a double mastectomy? I made the decision to have a mastectomy, a week before my surgery. Since those little breasts turned on me and became cancerous, I didn’t want anything else to do with them!! Both of them had to go!!

Did your relationships with your family and friends change? Yes, I found out who was for me and who wasn’t (family and friends) and I’m so thankful the truth was revealed!!

Why “bold” and breastless, when many women would want to cover up their breasts after surgery? Because I wasn’t going to put myself thru anything I didn’t need to go thru!! I NEEDED the cancer out, …

My Story: Bold And Breastless  was originally published on

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